Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
6 Weeks Old!
Monday, December 10, 2007
1 Month Old!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
3 Weeks Old!
Brianna is 3 weeks old and doing great! She is nursing well and sleeping well! She even sleeps well at night. At her 2 week dr. appt. she had gained weight! She weighed 9lbs 9.5oz! Here are some pictures of her doing what she does best- napping today!
She loves her bouncer from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Chris!
And she also loves sleeping in her swing from Gigi and Grandpa!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Brianna meets her cousins!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Baby Brianna is doing great!
My first car ride!
Home from the hospital!
Meeting Daisy dog!
My first bath!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Our Little Chipmunk is Here!

Brianna Faith Kidd was born on Thursday, November 8th at 2:24pm!
She weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz! She's 20 inches long!
She's just wonderful! We are so blessed!
Here is our labor and delivery story:
Wed. 11/7, 3:45am - woke up for scheduled induction
5:00am - arrived at the hospital, 4 sticks and 3 nurses later started IV
6:30am - started pitocin, no painful contractions, no progress (stayed at 1cm), dr tried to break water twice (aaa!)
4:00pm - dr stopped pitocin and let me eat (chick-fil-a never tasted so good!), dr started me on sideatec (sp?)
8:00pm - dilated to 2cm, kept getting medicine through the night, had to sleep in uncomfortable labor/delivery bed
Thurs. 11/8, 5:00am - dr broke water (aaa!), started on pitocin again, started feeling painful contractions (aaa!), dilated to 3cm
8:00am - epidural (yeah!)
9:30am - still at 4cm
11:15am - dilated to 9cm, talking about getting ready to push, nurses started monitoring baby's heartrate closer, put me on oxygen
1:54pm - dr told us we had to do a c-section because the baby's heartrate was dropping during contractions and not coming up fast enough, she thinks the umbilical cord is wrapped and the baby won't do good during pushing, so we were rushed to the OR
2:24pm - baby Brianna is born! The cord was wrapped around her body, she was facing the wrong way, and she was too big (8lbs 14oz!) so even if we had tried pushing she would have to come out c-section
Sun. 11/11, 4:30pm - we finally got home from the hospital! And we are all doing well!
So that's our story! We are just so happy she is here and healthy and happy! Thanks for your prayers.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
40 Weeks!
Monday, October 15, 2007
37 Weeks!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
36 Week Ultrasound!

These are the neat 3D pictures they gave us! You can see the baby looking at you and her arm and hands are covering part of her face.
So it won't be long now! Keep us in your prayers!
My Work Baby Shower!
The baby's name is...
Brianna Faith Kidd!
We were trying to come up with a way to incorporate Ann into the baby's name because Ann is a family name. It's my middle name, my mom's middle name, and Jeremy's mom's middle name. And my grandma's name is Anna and Jeremy's grandma's name is Annabel. So one night the name Brianna just came to me and I told Jeremy and we both loved it! Then we were trying to come up with a middle name and Jeremy thought of Faith because our faith is so important to us and I really liked that so that's how we got the middle name!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
My Pearland Baby Shower!
We had a wonderful baby shower last weekend at the Peck's house given by our Sunday school class at First Baptist Friendswood! It was a couples shower so Jeremy got to help open gifts!
Everyone was so generous!
We had fun playing the price is right game!

We were so happy so many of our friends could come!
It was such a great time with everyone!

It was a very special celebration and we really enjoyed it! Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My Katy Baby Shower!
I had a wonderful baby shower in Katy on Saturday! I'm so glad so many could come! It was very nice!
I got so many great gifts! Everyone was so generous!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Trip to Weimar, TX!
We had so much fun going with our friends Amy, Heather, and Stephen to Stephen's parent's cabin in Weimar over labor day weekend! It is so beautiful there! We went fishing and shooting and just had a blast being out in the country!
Our dream house!
Watching the cows!
Playing dominos!
Riding on the mule!
Beautiful sunset!

Monday, August 27, 2007
30 Weeks!
We can't believe we only have 10 more weeks to go! We are so glad everything with the pregnancy is continuing to go so well! We feel so blessed! Thanks for your prayers and please continue to pray for the last 10 weeks! We are looking forward to our baby showers coming up in September and hope to see you there!
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