Monday, October 15, 2007

37 Weeks!

Only 3 weeks to go! We can't believe it's almost here! The doctor said everything looks good and she doesn't think the baby will come early. We'll keep you posted! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

36 Week Ultrasound!

We just had our 36 week ultrasound on Monday and everything is looking good! We got to check out the heart, the kidneys, the bones... and we even saw her mouth open and close! They checked that it is a girl! :) And that her head is down!
These are the neat 3D pictures they gave us! You can see the baby looking at you and her arm and hands are covering part of her face.
So it won't be long now! Keep us in your prayers!

My Work Baby Shower!

Thanks to Jennifer and Lanette for throwing me a baby shower at work! It was really nice! I really appreciated the Babies R Us gift card that several people contributed towards!

Here's the cute cake they had made with ballet shoes on top!
Here's everyone working on the baby word scramble game!

The baby's name is...

Brianna Faith Kidd!

We were trying to come up with a way to incorporate Ann into the baby's name because Ann is a family name. It's my middle name, my mom's middle name, and Jeremy's mom's middle name. And my grandma's name is Anna and Jeremy's grandma's name is Annabel. So one night the name Brianna just came to me and I told Jeremy and we both loved it! Then we were trying to come up with a middle name and Jeremy thought of Faith because our faith is so important to us and I really liked that so that's how we got the middle name!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Pearland Baby Shower!

We had a wonderful baby shower last weekend at the Peck's house given by our Sunday school class at First Baptist Friendswood! It was a couples shower so Jeremy got to help open gifts!

We got lots of nice things!
Everyone was so generous!We had fun playing the price is right game!
We were so happy so many of our friends could come!It was such a great time with everyone!
It was a very special celebration and we really enjoyed it! Thanks everyone!