Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a sad day

It's a sad day because school has started, summer's over, and that means less time with Daddy. :(
Brianna really enjoyed all the extra time with Daddy this summer.

Here's another crawling video- she's getting all over now. And her favorite thing to do is to crawl after the dog!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gigi Visits!

Brianna enjoyed Gigi's visit today! Here she is checking out her new toy rocking horse!


So we went to Brianna's 9 month doctor visit yesterday and the doctor said she has 2 ear infections! We didn't even know. So it's her first ear infection and her first medicine. Hopefully she will get over it soon. She has had a runny nose for weeks from allergies and that drainage caused the ear infection. So she also gets to take claritin to try to help with the allergies. I hope that helps her.
I also found out her stats: weight 21.2 lbs. 83%, height 28.0 in. 63%, and head 17.5 in. 64%. So she is doing good other than the ears.
Also she has two teeth that just popped up! So far I haven't been able to get a picture of those yet. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

9 Month Portraits!

This time we got Brianna's pictures done in Waco so she could have some taken with her cousins!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

9 Months Old!

Brianna is 9 months old and doing fantastic! She has been so much fun this month! She has learned to crawl! She can go from her tummy to sitting up! She can hold your thumbs and pull herself to standing! We finally moved her crib bed down so she doesn't try to get out! So now when I go in to get her in the morning she is sitting up smiling through the crib slats at me! She has been sleeping great too - 2 naps a day and 12 hours at night without waking up at all!
Here she is crawling!
Here she is playing with her toys, she loves toys!
Here she is standing up! Showing off her outfit from Gigi!
Here she is at her playgroup with her baby-sitter Eva! I got to go this week and see her play with all the kids! :)

She is so sweet and precious. We are so blessed!
Weight 21.2 lbs. 83%, Length 28.0 in. 63%, Head 17.5 in. 64%

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Crawling Video!

Brianna just started crawling!

Laughing Video!

She laughs the best for Daddy!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Visit to Waco Family!

Here is everybody in the pool and you can see Chris' land!
Brianna loves the water!
Here are the 3 cousins in their camo!
Brianna loved their dog Zowie! She's a very gentle golden retriever.
Here's Brianna showing off her clapping skills with Aunt Sharon!

Brianna had so much fun with her cousins and her Aunt & Uncle over the weekend! Thanks for having us!