Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer's here!

Summer's here - yea! Daddy is off work and Mommy is home on maternity leave so all four of us have some quality time together this month!

Here is baby Brady, or Bubba as his sister calls him, just hanging out. :) He is doing well. He still sleeps better during the day than at night, but I think he's getting better slowly.

And here is Brianna dancing to her new Wiggles DVD, it's so cute to watch her dance! She has been doing lots of cute things lately- her favorite words are 'thank you' and she says it so sweetly to everyone, she colors and plays with stickers, she plays outside with her water table and baby pool, she gives lots of good hugs! And she has been so great with her little brother, wanting to pat him, bringing him blankets, getting excited when she sees him.

Here she is enjoying the start of summer time with Daddy at the new spray park down the street! She looks so cute in her new swimsuit from Gigi!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brady is 2 weeks old!

Brady is doing well! At his 2 week doctor check-up we found out he has gained weight- good news! He weighs 7lbs. 15oz. 31%, his height is 20.25 in. 38%, his head is 13.5 in. 12%. Still much smaller than Brianna was! Here are some pics of his first 2 weeks:
Here he is having his first bath.

Father - Son time. :)

Sleeping in the swing. So far he's not sleeping very long at night, but we are hanging in there.

Similar pictures to Brianna's first days home. Remember? Click here.

Uncle Chad comes to visit!

Our first family photo of the four of us!

And Gigi has been here helping out. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Big Sister Brianna

Brianna turned 18 months old Friday! She weighs 25 lbs. 75%, 31 in. 25%. She had a good doctor check-up today! She is a sweet big sister!

Our Baby Boy is Here!

Brady Michael Kidd was born on Tuesday May 5th at 5:38am!
He weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and was 19in. long.
We are so excited to meet him!
Here is our labor and delivery story:
Tues. 5/5/09, 1:30am - woke up with some water breaking, but it wasn't much so we weren't sure if labor was starting or not, tried to go back to sleep
2:30am - called the doctor because contractions had started, she said go to the hospital, so we took our time packing up, taking shower, getting ready, thought we had plenty of time
3:30am - called our neighbor to stay with sleeping Brianna (thanks again!), left for the hospital, the contractions were getting worse, so Jeremy drove 90mph with the hazards on not wanting to stain the new car :)
4:00am - got to the hospital, in sooo much pain, they had to get me preped for the c-section and sign all the admit forms (while I was in so much pain!), they checked me and I was a 7 so they rushed to get me into the OR
5:00am - finally they gave me the epidural and got me into the OR
5:38am - Brady was born with no problems!
6:30am - in the recovery room suprised at how quickly the whole thing went compared to Brianna!