Friday, July 24, 2009

Two in Diapers - oh my!

Brady meets Great Grandma

Brianna and Brady got to go visit Great Grandma Anna! She is 94 and doing well! Brianna loved saying hi to all the people at the nursing home and putting smiles on their faces! She also liked pushing Great Grandma's wheelchair!

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 and 20 months old!

Brady is two months old and doing well! He's sleeping longer at night and smiling more now! He also makes this cute cooing sound.
Weight: 10 lbs. 13 oz. 29%
Height: 22 in. 18%
Head: 15.7 in. 47%

Brianna is twenty months old! She is doing great - saying more words, eating better, dancing, very happy! She loves her little brother and always wants to give him hugs! She calls him Bubba and it's the first thing she says when she wakes up. She has started liking baby dolls too. Here is a video of her carrying around her baby doll, patting him on the back, rocking him - it's so cute! She is a sweet little girl!

Here is suppose to be a video of Brady but Brianna sort of took over! :)