Brady is 18 months old! He is mommy's sweet little boy, he's happy to sit and look at books or follow his big sister, he likes little cars, balls, he likes to kick the ball after watching his cousins play soccer. :) He wears size 2T, same as big sister, and he's almost as big as her. He enjoys his mother's day out and MOPS class. The teacher wasn't sure if he was in the right class at first because he's so much bigger than the other kids. :) He's saying more words like truck, tractor, night-night, apple, fish, bath. He sleeps well at night and takes almost a 2 hr. nap, but he still wakes up early around 6:30am and wakes his sister up. He likes to eat, but he doesn't like me to feed him, he wants to feed himself. He loves to play outside and cries when we have to go in. He loves his Elmo movies. And he loves the song 'wheels on the bus', he does the hand motions and says town, it's so cute. :)
Height: 34 1/2 in. 97%
Weight: 29 lbs. 80%
Here are some pics of him playing in Gigi's bird bath. :)