This has been a wonderful summer! Because last summer Jeremy was looking for a job and the summer before we were moving, we have really enjoyed this summer of fun, relaxing, quality family time together! We have been going to the YMCA pool a lot, going to the museum, going to VBS, some birthday parties, having fun with our cousins and friends, and going on vacation! Brianna took swim lessons and did a great job and loved it! We have an ice cream truck going through our neighborhood this year, the kids think that is so fun! We celebrated our 12th anniversary with a date night to the outdoor Brazos Nights concert and the kids had a sleepover at Uncle Chris and Aunt Sharon's! Also I have been teaching Mother's Day Out two days a week at First Woodway Baptist Church in the two year old class this summer and my kids have enjoyed going too, they love playing with their friends, we call it summer school. :) We love having Daddy home and lots of Daddy time this summer!

Here is a picture I forgot to post of Brianna in her ballet recital in May! She did a great job!
Here is Brady and Brianna at a spash park, they both love those this year! They both love being in water this summer. Also they are the same size, both wear a 4T, it's so cute!
Here we are in our First Woodway VBS shirts! I helped with the 5 year old class and my kids loved their classes!
Here we are on the Fourth of July at the Belton parade!
Here is the kids first trip to the Alamo!
Having fun on the Riverwalk!
The boat ride was fun!
Here are the kids at their first Circus! It was cool and we got to sit close since it was at a smaller arena in Waco!
We are enjoying ourselves and are not ready for summer to end! Daddy goes back to work in August and Brianna and Brady start Preschool at First Woodway after that!