Sunday, April 10, 2011
Life in Waco
We have just finished unpacking and things are getting back to normal! We have been in our new home for about a month now and we've been in Waco for over 6 months now. We are really enjoying it here! We love the weather, the smaller town, no traffic, the country feel. We have found a good church and joined a lifegroup. I am also loving being a stay-at-home mom! The kids and I have a lot of fun playing at home and in the backyard, going for walks, doing crafts. We have also kept busy going to a women's Bible study, mother's day out, and MOPS this year. We also love playdates and seeing our cousins!
Sometimes the kids like to get in our bed in the morning and watch Dora. Brianna has her baby doll and Brady has his train.